Dear Students,
I was in an MCU space today where a student lifted up the importance of connecting to the JOY that is inherent in the work of midwifery. This call to take in joy, to let it wash over you and nurture you, to have the mundane miracles of the process of pregnancy and birth and your hand in it buoy your spirit – made me pause, smile and reflect.
So often we are connected to the struggle of our labors. There is so much work that goes into becoming a midwife, so much effort, and sacrifice, so much shifting and re-calibrating and finding our way, that at times it is hard to remember and connect ourselves to what even brought us here in the first place. Not infrequently the why behind the what of being a midwife, is lost in the daily toil of the work, or in your case the tasks and jobs of a student midwife.
I want to invite each of you to take a moment as we move into the next month of this year, to hold close all we love about this work: Let us relish in the small and big accomplishments of shepherding families in this critical time of life. Let us relish the heart work of midwifery as we live it. Let us find joy in the journey.
The goal of the messages in these newsletters: to participate in creating an environment at MCU that prioritizes and sustains mental health and wellness in small and large ways. I hope you enjoy the second Mental Health Matters newsletter. This newsletter focuses on recovery from burnout and creating a circle of support.
These monthly newsletters are one small way to offer succinct usable information about strategies for fostering good mental health. When paired with services like Care Solace, (Links to an external site.) we are hopeful that students are able to connect with the resources they need.
One of the best things we can do during this ongoing global crisis is come together as a community with love and support for each and every person. I hope you are doing well and getting the support you need. We are here for students as always. 
Reach out if you need us.
Tamara Taitt, MS, LMFT, LM 
Pronouns: she/her
Director of Student Life, Equity & Access
To schedule an appointment for personal counseling click here: (Links to an external site.)
Title of the document
February Mental Health Matters