Course Registration
Dates and Deadlines
Students are responsible for monitoring enrollment, credit hours, and completion of courses per graduation requirements. Course enrollment changes can be made during the Add/Drop period or the Course Enrollment Period. Please review the Academic Calendar or Student Handbook for more information on the Course Add/Drop and Enrollment deadlines.
Course Add/Drop: Students also have the option to add or drop classes from the beginning of the trimester up to the end of the second week of the trimester with no penalty.
How to Enroll in Courses
The courses students are enrolled in will automatically activate on the first day of the trimester according to their Course Enrollment Schedule. Be sure to check prerequisites in the Course Catalog and the Projected Enrollment Schedule (link below) for when courses are offered.
Course Enrollment Tutorials
In addition to the video tutorial, please review the following helpful information about the course enrollment process.
To access the Course Catalog visit:
Course Mapping Tools
Here are degree planning templates and example layouts
In order to access these tools, you must be signed in to your account! If you are unable to access any of these links, the first step to trouble shoot is to sign out of any gmail accounts and sign back in to your @midwifery account. If you are still having issues and you are sure that your @midwifery account is the only one you are signed into on the browser you are using, then clear cache and try again.
Each of these links will automatically open the option to COPY to Edit. This enables you make a version tailored to you. Be sure to use the correct template for the program you are enrolled in.
Major Map Layout Examples
For students enrolled in the Flexible BSM program:
20-30 Hour MM Layout Example: CLICK HERE
30-40 Hour MM Layout Example: CLICK HERE
For students enrolled in the Primary BSM program:
20-30 Hour MM Layout Example: CLICK HERE
30-40 Hour MM Layout Example: CLICK HERE
For current CPMs enrolled in the CPM to BSM program:
MM Layout Example: CLICK HERE
For students with an ASM from MCU, enrolled in the ASM to BSM program:
MM Layout Example: CLICK HERE
Do it yourself Major Map Layout Templates
For students enrolled in the Flexible BSM program:
Flexible BSM Degree Planning Template: CLICK HERE
For students enrolled in the Primary BSM program:
Primary BSM Degree Planning Template: CLICK HERE
For current CPMs enrolled in the CPM to BSM program:
CPM.BSM Degree Planning Template: CLICK HERE
For students with an ASM from MCU enrolled in the ASM to BSM program:
ASM.BSM Degree Planning Template: CLICK HERE
Course Withdrawal/Course Extension Request Forms
Request an extension for PROD 1000 (must be signed in to your email address)
PROD 1000 Extension Request Form
Course Withdrawal Requests: weeks 3-12
Submit Course Withdrawal Form by 5pm MT on Friday of Week 12
Course Extension Requests: weeks 12-14
Submit Course Extension Form by 5pm MT on Friday of Week 14
Projected Enrollment Schedule
Pass/Fail Grade Option for Students
If the pass/fail grade option is selected by a student, a passing grade is included in their credits completed, but the class grade does not impact their GPA. However, it is important to be aware that a failing grade DOES get calculated as 0.00 into their GPA and credits attempted. As such MCU would recommend a withdrawal from classes where the student does not anticipate a passing grade.
Before submitting a request, please review the policy details located in the Student Handbook.
New Phase Alignment/Specialization
There will be reminders and more information coming during the Summer term. If you have any immediate questions please contact your student council or your house mentor.
Leave of Absence & Time Out Requests
In order to request a Timeout, please review the policy in the Student Handbook then schedule an appointment with the Registrar. Timeout requests must be submitted by 5pm MT at the end of the Add/Drop period
Program Deadline Details
Transcripts & Records
Continuing Education
- Want to take a few classes, but do not want to be obligated to a degree program.
- Practicing midwives who wish to supplement their education or obtain CEUs
- Want to discover if distance education is right for them.
We also offer the Academy of Continuing Education modules which are relevant for recertification requirements for CPMs, doulas, and childbirth educators. Most of the modules include MEAC-approved CEUs.
To take courses on your time at your own pace and earn MEAC CEUs, visit our Academy of Continuing Education (ACE). Our ACE program has offerings on a variety of topics including pharmacology courses.
For additional information on continuing education classes taken within a 15-week trimester, and to enroll in courses, email our Registrar or schedule an appointment during the open enrollment period for the term in which you are applying.
- To schedule an appointment, Click here.
CE Course Enrollment
Enrollment Deadline Table
Enrollment Dates
Classes Begin
Classes End
Projected Class Schedule, Click Here
Course Catalog, Click Here
Financial Aid Resources
Graduation Application Form
Tuition and Fees
Tuition is currently $2,720 per trimester and it is due on the 1st day of the trimester. Annual Student Fees are $415 per year and are assessed every year on January 1st or the 1st day of the student’s first trimester. A monthly payment plan is available breaking tuition and fees into 4 equal payments due on the first of each month of the trimester. Visit My Student Finances to request it.